Learn From August Or Shut Up!


Sometimes people can be absolutely cruel, especially Black folks. When people don't have certain experiences they tend to shrink themselves and suppress the opportunity of growth. It's despicable how ignorance can just ooze out of people. Hurt imitating hurt.

The most important of all the virtues is courage because without it you can't do anything consistently (per the G.O.A.T. Maya Angelou). August Alsina exhibited nothing but courage and strength in his interview with Angela Yee. His level of vulnerability was inspiring to witness. Unfortunately, it fell on deaf ears. Frankly, it's sad that his transparency was made fun of and turned into a lifeless meme.

People, especially Black men, need more experience with effective communication and vulnerability. Culturally and historically their feelings and emotions were not highlighted and made valid. It is a classically destructive cycle that seeped through generations and generations. August Alsina tapped into a deeper level of vibration that left a lot of people out in the dust. Out of this whole fiasco that is what people should have left with, questioned, and learned from. Why can't I identify with his emotions and level of honesty? How can I apply this level of courage and vulnerability to my relationships? If more people would've left with this perspective then Alsina would have been properly loved and appreciated versus a joke.

People are so focused on forcing scenarios together, finding irrelevant connections to expound on in an unenlightened and unqualified fashion. Women, especially Black women, need to support and encourage August’s level of courage. Not only August but any man’s attempt of opening up and sharing their emotions, thoughts, and love. Intentionally make that space, that moment, scared and worthwhile. Because without doing so, you're stunting the liberation that our children and children's children need to be highly effective, highly vibrating souls.