Erica Dixon Talks the Art of Co-Parenting and Setting Goals with Her Daughter
Parenting can be such a sensitive subject. The title of a parent is a gift. A prestigious club of contributors. Parents are gifted with a miniature version of themselves, while simultaneously gifting the world with an opportunity. Whatever lead to the creation of child doesn’t matter when opportunity is birthed. A child is the beauty of the love of God being added to the world. Parents are responsible for shaping, grooming, and preparing a child’s opportunity for an abundant life.
In an interview with entrepreneur and “Love and HipHop” star, Erica Dixon, opens up about parenting and her desires for her daughter. “ I hope Emani stays spiritual and develops her own personal relationship with God. I can only hope she learns from her mistakes”. The values instilled in a child forms the foundation of their actions which follows them forever. Erica continued,“I want my daughter to know she can achieve anything in life. I teach her to set goals. I teach her to value the simple things in life and I remind her constantly how blessed and fortunate she is to have both parents in her life”.
Regardless of the many ways there are to parent, it’s imperative to understand that it shifts in cycles. Understanding your child at each cycle and meeting them with grace and love will result in them being well-rounded individuals. Everybody is a product of the environment in which their parenting took place. In that same notion, a person’s interpretation of life and how they fit into it is due to the state of their rearing. This idea explains disagreements when it comes to co-parenting. Erica explains how to co-parent effectively stating, “Once a person shows you who they are, treat them accordingly. Always remove your feelings and keep it about the child”. When parents come together under this ideology a child’s environment is protected from unwarranted toxicity.
Erica Dixon’s relationship with her mother and her toxic childhood led to a literary inspiration for little girls. Overcoming the circumstances in her upbringing lead to her creating a book series entitled, “Introducing Southern Bell”. The book series is based off her life. It allows children to realize they are not the only ones dealing with life’s circumstances.“It was tough visiting some vivid moments from my childhood, “ Erica States, “but what can I say? Those are the things that molded me into the person I am today. If I had this book series when I was growing up I would have felt inspired. It would have been awesome to see how another child survived tough situations growing up”.
The way people grow up is an ongoing rotation that eventually adapts into the way they think, what they think, and what they create. It begins with every child and is the foundation of what kind of adult they develop into.