Kids' Feelings Matter
In 2020, we should all vow to being more present and active in the lives of the ones close to us, especially the youth. The life-threatening elements surrounding the youth continues to grow substantially year after year. Growing up today is socially and emotionally different than what older generations can imagine.
A child's first teacher is whoever is present in the home. As a mother and educator, I truly believe that it takes a village to raise a child. However, a kid hearing and believing from their parent/guardian that their feelings matter will always feel different than an outsider stating the same notion. Then when that 'different feeling' is supported with love its impact will translate in greater form.
The root of the problem is there has been a lack of effort in enforcing the simple fact that it is okay to feel things. Whether boy or girl, gay or straight, weird or lame, everyone's feelings matter. Kids need to know that. Only then will they be able to acknowledge when emotions arise, determine whether its healthy or toxic, and work through its various levels in a way that best suits them. This is not an easy process. Yet, a child is at a healthier advantage when they start it as an adolescent versus in their twenties.
So lets really invest in the youth. Let's nurture kids in a way that will lead to understanding, lead to open-mindedness, and lead to happiness. A child that is reared in understanding, open-mindedness, and happiness is one that moves in love. Love for self and love for others. That is what our culture needs. That is what our future needs.