Dom's Guide To Disappointment


Plan for the “Let Down”

“Removing expectations from people or situations has brought so much peace and freedom to my life. It was the greatest gift I could’ve given myself. I’m learning to just go with the flow and to accept that people will let me down, but only if I let them. I apply this to every area of my life: dating, career, friendships, and family. The only way people can really make you feel anything (angry, sad, upset) is if they don’t meet an expectation that you’ve put on them. The craziest part of it all is that most of the time, the person isn’t even aware that you’re expecting something from them. I’ve come to grips with the fact that people are who they are and you can’t change them; you can only change how you respond to them. It’s your obligation to yourself to control how you let folks affect you.

It sounds crazy but I almost always plan for people to drop the ball, or no show, or do something that would be disappointing. I mentally prepare myself for the worst. That way, when they do the complete opposite, I’m surprised by their character and I allow them to gain some of my trust. If they are consistent with their actions, only then do I treat them as someone who I can trust. It may not be the best tactic, but it works for me”.

Interviews, BlogBrittani Fisher