Review: Netflix Joint, "See You Yesterday"
Producer Spike Lee and director Stefon Bristol push the limits on the black experience by creating a dope sci-fi movie. I have to admit; I typically try to avoid sci-fi films. It never seems to tickle my fancy. However, this joint kept my full attention. Luckily its on Netflix because I had to pause it and clutch my pearls. The Black issues, fears, and discomforts that we go through on a daily basis is illustrated in the film. It’s mixed with fancy scientific terms that leave you in awe of how the brain works. There’s a true friendship in this film between C.J. and Sebastian, centered around love. Love for learning and love for the appreciation of one another. Teenaged kids figure out Einstein’s long-lost vision of time travel. In a garage turned laboratory, the young queen and king whip up the legendary resolution to go back in time. Their resolution was right on time! C.J.’s big brother is killed by police (for no reason, the usual narrative these days) so the bestie duo goes on a continuous journey to yesterday to try and save his life.
“See You Tomorrow,” begins and end with hope. As the movie begins, no one, including the kids’ teacher (played by Michael J Fox), believes they can figure out time travel. I will admit as an educator, although the teacher low key believes they’re wasting their time, I appreciate how he supports their dream. He allows them to borrow school equipment over summer break and gives them a little advice and tough love. This sort of attention is what’s missing in the classroom. As the movie ends the kids hope to change destiny and save lives, which adds an emotional twist that you weren’t expecting.