The Hashtag Minimizes Your Capabilities
You’re great…you really are but you don’t represent me. You’re not my goal. You’re not my hero (or shero). You’re just another person trying to be great.
High expectations is the foundation to disappointment. Who are you to think you can have a relationship like whomever, body like whoever, and a lifestyle like anyone with 10k or more followers? Nothing can compare to the confidence of a millennial sexting, anybody’s auntie or momma cooking, and a nigga playing ball. Yet, when it comes to dreams and the act of achieving them people choke up. Get timid. Become insecure. Scared.
We shouldn’t want another person’s relationship, home, house, or happiness. As corny as it may be…we should only want to be the best that we can possibly be. The hashtag “goals” has crippled our ability to truly believe. To have the audacity to think we can physically achieve what our hearts and thoughts have aligned for us has become obsolete. It’s easier to slap a hashtag on a dream or desire then to find the words to clearly articulate it.
Our goal should be to create a unique happiness designed strictly for us and by us. We have to be careful about the type of energy we project onto our future. With every person, every situation, and every circumstance comes its corresponding consequence. Removing the focus off of someone else’s life will allow more time on mastering the details of our own. Goals are as unique as our DNA. Idolizing others won’t get anyone closer to their destiny.